There are many different products from the Following are some important best seller products and a brief explanation about them by Everyday Low Prices.
This hand dyed tee shirt features a stunning screen print graphic on a preshrunk, 100% cotton tee. Dyed and printed by The Mountain. The Mountain uses only environmentally friendly inks and dyes, to bring you an incredibly durable and comfortable garment.
Product Description
This Internet sensation has been featured on You Tube, been discussed in numerous blogs, and has even been the subject of a song and music video. Now, you can own the legendary Three Wolf Moon T-shirt! This adult T-shirt features the Three Wolf Moon design, printed on black tie-dyed 100% cotton.
Product Details
Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
Shipping: This item is also available for shipping to select countries outside the U.S.
This item has wolves on it which makes it intrinsically sweet and worth 5 stars by itself, but once I tried it on, that's when the magic happened. After checking to ensure that the shirt would properly cover my girth, I walked from my trailer to Wal-mart with the shirt on and was immediately approached by women. The women knew from the wolves on my shirt that I, like a wolf, am a mysterious loner who knows how to 'howl at the moon' from time to time (if you catch my drift!). The women that approached me wanted to know if I would be their boyfriend and/or give them money for something they called mehth. I told them no, because they didn't have enough teeth, and frankly a man with a wolf-shirt shouldn't settle for the first thing that comes to him.
I arrived at Wal-mart, mounted my courtesy-scooter (walking is such a drag!) sitting side saddle so that my wolves would show. While I was browsing tube socks, I could hear aroused asthmatic breathing behind me. I turned around to see a slightly sweaty dream in sweatpants and flip-flops standing there. She told me she liked the wolves on my shirt, I told her I wanted to howl at her moon. She offered me a swig from her mountain dew, and I drove my scooter, with her shuffling along side out the door and into the rest of our lives. Thank you wolf shirt.
Pros: Fits my girthy frame, has wolves on it, attracts women
Cons: Only 3 wolves (could probably use a few more on the 'guns'), cannot see wolves when sitting with arms crossed, wolves would have been better if they glowed in the dark.
The Three Wolf Moon shirts power is obvious. This video is living proof that you will get women, and fly. Most importantly my son was born without bones and when I put this shirt on him he grew bones. Don't ask me how it happened but the magic is there. I wish I could hug the designer of this shirt and thank them for everything they have done for my family.
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